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You give your children 10 months in a year to learn the traditional way. Why not give them 2 months to unlearn?
Unlearn the stress of competition.
Unlearn the pressure of studying in the conventional forms. Unlearn social stigmas.
As they are encouraged to unleash their talents and unlimit, doing things in ways that make them happy. The most conventional values taught to them in unconventional ways. Through activities they want to take up voluntarily, and not with heads hanging low. For we believe, every child’s head hung low, is one opportunity lost to shine.
Here is the calendar of events happening next week, starting from 22nd march 2021.
For more details head to our website:
Call or WhatsApp us on 9986015483
#onlinesummer2021withcilre #funlearningworkshops #cilre #summercamp2021 #learningthroughplay